A highly anticipated soccer manga titled Embers will begin serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump on February 3, 2025. This new series, written by Kei Kurumazaki and illustrated by Sotaro Nishi, is gaining attention for its connection to the BLUE LOCK franchise. Nishi, who previously worked as an assistant on BLUE LOCK and Wistoria: Wand and Sword, brings his expertise and dynamic style to this fresh, exciting title. The new soccer manga will also be available on the MANGA Plus by SHUEISHA platform for global readers.
Embers: A New Soccer Rivalry Begins
The Embers manga follows the story of Haitani, a delinquent known for being the strongest brawler at his school, who unexpectedly finds himself introduced to the world of soccer. The manga's first chapter will be 54 pages long, with the debut issue featuring a color spread to kick off the new series. With its dynamic illustrations and intense sports action, Embers is already being promoted as a major new series for Weekly Shonen Jump.
Praise from BLUE LOCK Creators
The connection to BLUE LOCK is evident, with Yusuke Numura, the artist of BLUE LOCK, praising Sotaro Nishi as a “terrifying talent.” In an X post, Numura joked about Nishi’s ability to “crush” the competition, emphasizing the exciting potential of this new soccer series. He encouraged fans to check out Embers when it launches next week.
Similarly, Toshi Aoi, the artist of the Wistoria: Wand and Sword manga adaptation, also expressed excitement for Nishi’s debut series. Aoi referred to Nishi as an "ace" and shared one of Nishi’s background illustrations, highlighting the significant role the artist played in creating visually compelling scenes.
What to Expect from Embers
While BLUE LOCK has set a high bar as one of the most popular soccer manga and anime franchises, Embers offers something fresh. Unlike BLUE LOCK, which emphasizes a "battle manga" approach to soccer, Embers will likely explore different aspects of the sport. Given the tactical depth of soccer, it will be interesting to see how Embers develops its soccer themes and how it may stand out in the competitive shonen manga market.
Embers in a New Era of Shonen Soccer Manga
With recent high-profile series like My Hero Academia, JUJUTSU KAISEN, and Mission: Yozakura Family coming to an end, Weekly Shonen Jump is focusing on launching new titles, and Embers is a major part of this strategy. The addition of Embers suggests that there’s still strong demand for shonen soccer manga series, and it’s poised to become a key player in this niche genre.
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