The highly anticipated anime adaptation of the popular light novel Apocalypse Bringer Mynoghra: World Conquest Starts with the Civilization of Ruin has revealed its first visual, main voice cast, and a 2025 release date. The announcement was made after the anime adaptation was confirmed in June 2024, though staff details have yet to be disclosed. Fans of the tactical fantasy genre are eager to see how this unique fantasy anime will unfold.
Apocalypse Bringer Mynoghra Anime Main Cast
The anime’s voice cast includes:
- Toshiki Kumagai as Takuto Ira
- Tomori Kusunoki as Sludge Atou
The first visual of the anime, which showcases both Takuto Ira and Sludge Atou, can be seen below, giving fans a glimpse of the characters and their world.
Apocalypse Bringer Mynoghra: A Tactical Fantasy World
Apocalypse Bringer Mynoghra is based on a light novel written by Fefu Kazuno, which began serialization on the Shosetsuka ni Naro website in November 2017. Micro Magazine started publishing the series in November 2019, with illustrations by Jun. The English version of the novel is published by Cross Infinite World. The plot follows the story of Takuto Ira, a young man who reincarnates into a world that mirrors his favorite fantasy turn-based strategy game, Eternal Nations. To his surprise, he is reincarnated as the god of the evil civilization Mynoghra, and with his beautiful hero unit, Sludge Witch Atou, they begin their quest to restart and conquer the civilization.
The story is described as a mix of tactical fantasy and civilization-building as Takuto and Atou take on the task of exploring, expanding, exploiting, and exterminating their way to a victorious civilization.
What to Expect from Apocalypse Bringer Mynoghra
Fans can expect a world filled with complex strategic gameplay, high stakes, and dynamic world-building as Apocalypse Bringer Mynoghra delves deep into its tactical fantasy roots. The blend of reincarnation and god-like powers is a staple of the genre, with the added twist of controlling an evil civilization. This sets the stage for an intriguing narrative that balances world conquest with fantasy adventure. With its anime release in 2025, this series is sure to attract anime and light novel fans alike.
About Apocalypse Bringer Mynoghra: World Conquest Starts with the Civilization of Ruin
In the world of Apocalypse Bringer Mynoghra, players and viewers alike can engage in a variety of tactical fantasy strategies as they help the protagonist, Takuto Ira, navigate the challenges of building and conquering a civilization from the ground up. Will Takuto and Sludge Witch Atou rise to the top of this fantasy world, or will they fall to the difficulties that come with leading a civilization? Fans of tactical fantasy anime and light novels will want to keep an eye on this exciting upcoming series.
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