Akane Kurokawa, the beloved character from the hit anime and manga series Oshi no Ko, is featured in a beautiful New Year 2025 illustration, celebrating the Year of the Snake. This special artwork follows in the footsteps of other popular series like Bokuyaba and many more, continuing the tradition of marking the Chinese zodiac with festive illustrations.
Oshi no Ko: A Deep Dive into the Glamorous Yet Dark World of Showbiz
Oshi no Ko is a manga series written by Aka Akasaka and illustrated by Mengo Yokoyari. The series first launched in April 2020 and was serialized in Shueisha’s Weekly Young Jump. The manga concluded on November 14, 2024, and has gained a massive global fanbase. The English edition of Oshi no Ko is published by Yen Press, making it accessible to a wider audience around the world.
The anime adaptation of Oshi no Ko has been a huge success and is being streamed on HIDIVE, with a third season currently in production. The series' plot revolves around Ai Hoshino, a young starlet who, after a tragic event, finds herself in a new reality. The story begins when Dr. Gorou Amemiya, a doctor at a clinic, is tasked with safely delivering Ai’s child. However, tragedy strikes when Gorou is killed by Ai’s deluded stalker and is reborn as Aquamarine Hoshino, Ai's child. As he navigates the dark underbelly of the entertainment industry, Aquamarine works to help his mother rise to the top of the charts in a captivating tale of showbiz secrets, rebirth, and family ties.
Oshi no Ko’s Live-Action Adaptation and Success
In addition to its manga and anime, Oshi no Ko also received a live-action adaptation, which aired as a TV series and culminated with a sequel movie that wrapped up the story in December 2024. The success of the live-action TV series and its continuation with the movie further expands the world of Oshi no Ko, attracting new fans and adding even more depth to the Oshi no Ko universe.
Looking Ahead: What’s Next for Oshi no Ko Fans?
With the release of the New Year 2025 illustration and the upcoming third season of the anime, fans of Oshi no Ko can look forward to more captivating moments. As the series continues to evolve across different mediums, Oshi no Ko remains at the forefront of modern anime and manga trends. The ongoing anime adaptation, combined with its live-action success, ensures that the story of Ai Hoshino and Aquamarine Hoshino will continue to captivate audiences around the world for years to come.
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