Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Johto Region ( Excluding Legendaries)

Johto was first featured in the second generation of Pokemon games by the Pokemon Series, and the species that live there have gained popularity ever since.Even though seven Generation of Pocket Monster games have since been created, the fandom still has a lot of affection for the generation II games; in fact, the two main entries (Gold and Silver) within it underwent remakes in 2009.


Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Johto Region ( Excluding Legendaries)

But which Pokemon are the strongest that were initially released in the Johto region? Depending on the metric being used, there may be a case to be made for any number of animals. It is possible to factor in movesets, stats, type combinations, lore, and other criteria.

With the exception of Legendaries, the top ten most powerful Pokémon in the Johto region are:

1. Tyranitar - 

Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Johto Region ( Excluding Legendaries)

At 600 basic stats, this pseudo-Legendary Pokémon possesses exceptional attack and defence capabilities. Because of its Rock/Dark type, it is a very strong physical attacker.

Tyranitar, the Johto region's pseudo-legendary, possesses amazing stats that even surpass those of Legendaries. With all of its other abilities, this Pokémon more than makes up for its poor speed. Rock/Dark's dual-typing makes it extremely susceptible to Fighting-type attacks, although Tyranitar usually prevails in most other scenarios.

It has access to a wide range of potent Rock and Dark attacks that make advantage of either its extremely high Attack or high Special Attack. Tyranitar can easily defeat a lot of opponents in either case. There's a reason it's the pseudo-legendary in the area.

2. Scizor - 

Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Johto Region ( Excluding Legendaries)

Because of its Bug/Steel typing, Scizor has exceptional defensive skills. It can also hit hard offensively with to its high Attack stat.

Unlike many of the other strongest Pokémon in Johto, Scizor does not have a very high basic stat total, but it does have excellent defensive type. One of the best dual-type combinations in the series is made by combining Steel and Bug, and Scizor does a great job with it. It is resistant to several different types, yet it is extremely vulnerable to Fire alone.

In addition, Scizor has a very strong Attack stat and can perform a number of amazing attacks that are similar in type. Scizor is one of the most proficient Bug-types in the game right now, excelling both offensively and defensively.

3. Espeon - 

Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Johto Region ( Excluding Legendaries)

Espeon is a potent Psychic-type with strong Special Attack and Speed stats, making it a formidable special attacker.

Espeon is a deserving addition to the series' roster of strong Psychic-type characters. Espeon's Defence and Special Attack make it more than capable, even though its HP and Defence might use some improvement. Additionally, it can launch some amazing psychic attacks like Psybeam and Psychic.

Fortunately, Espeon specialises in Special moves, like these. Espeon is a very dangerous opponent because, in addition to its already great damage, it obtains a Same Type Attack Bonus while performing these Psychic moves, making it a Psychic-type.

4. Typhlosion - 

Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Johto Region ( Excluding Legendaries)

Typhlosion, the Fire-type starter of Johto, can hit hard with strong Fire-type attacks because of its high Special Attack and speed.

Loved by many, the Fire-type Typhlosion is a formidable adversary. It's a powerful force with high Speed and Special Attack stats. Its offensive prowess is further enhanced by its arsenal of amazing techniques. Eruption, Flamethrower, and Lava Plume are some of the strongest Fire techniques in the series that Typhlosion can acquire by levelling up.

It can compete in adverse encounters and its other stats are respectable. With neutral matchups, however, Typhlosion can be quite damaging.

5. Crobat - 

Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Johto Region ( Excluding Legendaries)

This adaptable Poison/Flying Pokémon is a fantastic all-arounder because of its high speed and wide range of moves.

The line became meta-relevant with the introduction of Crobat, a much-needed improvement over Golbat from Generation I. The Pokémon has a strong Attack stat and an amazing Speed stat. The lack of fantastic moves that come with levelling up is the only real drawback for Crobat. Nevertheless, Crobat is a dependable choice.

It is impossible to overestimate how much its Speed transforms this Pokémon from a respectable attacker into a sweeping force. Because none of its numbers are extremely low, this Pokémon can frequently stay in the fight no matter what kind of attack is performed against it.

6. Heracross - 

Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Johto Region ( Excluding Legendaries)

Heracross, a Bug/Fighting type, has a high Attack stat and is capable of strong physical moves.

Due to its strong 125 base attack, excellent offensive typing in bug/fighting, access to strong STAB attacks, and range of covering choices, Heracross possesses exceptional power. Your finest STAB moves are Megahorn and Close Combat. Each has a 120 base power. You can knock off an opponent's items that they have held. It also hits Ghost-types extremely well and Flying- and Poison-types neutrally. Because Heracross's quad weakness is Flying, Stone Edge greatly enhances its ability to attack Flying-types. Swords Dance, a move that increases its physical attack by two levels, can be used to get over some walls and increase its offensive even further. Moxie is an ability which boosts the attack stat of the user by one stage once it has knocked out the opposing Pokémon. It is essential for success.

Mega Heracross acquires the ability Skill Link upon Mega Evolution, guaranteeing that multi-hit attacks always land the most hits possible. Therefore, Rock Blast, Pin Missile, and Bullet Seed are all powerful and great choices. They all increase in strength by 125 base power. This is a powerful counterattack for any rival Pokémon.


7. Skarmory - 

Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Johto Region ( Excluding Legendaries)

Skarmory is a great defensive Pokémon because of its strong Defence and Steel/Flying typing.

Skarmory is a physical wall and model Defog user. Its two weaknesses are Fire and Electric because it has an excellent base defence of 140 and Steel/Flying type to bolster those numbers. However, against almost any team using Defog, Skarmory is sure to discover ways to eliminate entrance risks like Stealth Rocks.
With moves like Whirlwind, Brave Bird, Taunt, and Counter, it may play a variety of harmful and defensive roles. With a 120 base power, Brave Bird is Skarmory's strongest STAB move. Enough to bring some of the largest walls to near collapse. Owing to its typing, stats, and Roost's recovery, Skarmory can consistently check a large number of well-known physical attackers who pose a threat to the team as well as to itself. Its suggested ability, sturdy, lets you survive an otherwise lethal blow if it's fully healed.

Skarmory's defence can be strengthened by using a Rocky Hemet. The attacker who scores a direct hit is harmed by this. If not, Leftovers can effectively complement Roost to increase its field presence. This will enable you to put things off and perform your job more efficiently.

8. Feraligatr - 

Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Johto Region ( Excluding Legendaries)

Feraligatr, the Water-type starter, is a powerful physical attacker thanks to its high Attack and HP stats.

Feraligatr works well in the physical field. Its other numbers are respectable and reasonably well distributed, although its Attack and Defence are both somewhat high. Since most of the attacks Feraligatr learns from levelling up are physical, this is fantastic for it.

Similar to its fully developed beginning counterparts, Feraligatr is limited to one kind. Depending on the circumstance, this may be advantageous or detrimental to it, although Feraligatr's physical attacks are already potent enough without the Same Type Attack Bonus. This Pokémon has a strong stat distribution that allows it to defeat a lot of opponents.

9. Meganium - 

Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Johto Region ( Excluding Legendaries)

Meganium is a good defensive option despite not being the strongest due to its high Defence and Sp. Defence characteristics.

Meganium, a starter of the Grass type, is exceptionally strong on defence. Due to their high stat levels, Meganium can withstand a lot of blows from rivals. It's helped considerably by the pure grass typing. Meganium has five vulnerabilities, even with just one type, but none of them are severe.

It frequently resists even extremely potent damage thanks to its strong defensive stats. It may wear down opponents as the conflict goes on because of its strong defensive capabilities and respectable attacking stats.

10. Blissey -

Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Johto Region ( Excluding Legendaries)

With its amazing Special Defence and HP, this Normal-type Pokémon is a great special wall.

Blissey is a well-known Pokemon character among fans of the game because of its amazing reputation as a defensive wall with support-giving techniques and skills.

Furthermore, Blissey was a Normal type species with only one vulnerability up until Generation VI, albeit the inclusion of the fairy types did increase its vulnerabilities.

This was for the article about Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Johto Region ( Excluding Legendaries)

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