Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Kanto Region( excluding Legendaries)


Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Kanto Region( excluding Legendaries)

Even though the Pokemon series has evolved greatly since its start in the Kanto region, this area is still one of the most cherished in the whole universe.Part of the reason for this is that it's the first zone that many fans have played, but it's also has a fantastic cast of pocket monsters with plenty of personality and real-world combat experience. As we approach generation IX, many species continue to enjoy immense popularity. Which Kanto Pokemon, though, is the most powerful? Essentially, everything boils down to the trainer's conception of strength.There are many sets of responses depending on learnable moves, stats, type combinations, and lore. In light of this, now is a good moment to examine the strongest Pokémon in the Kanto area based on their overall base strength.


Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Kanto Region( excluding Legendaries)

The 10 strongest Pokemon in the Kanto region, excluding legendary Pokemon, are:

1. Dragonite - 

Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Kanto Region( excluding Legendaries)

Dragonite is the strongest non-legendary Pokemon in Kanto, with a base stat total of 600. It is a powerful weapon due to its high Attack and Special Attack stats and Dragon/Flying typing.Its Dragon typing offers it a distinct advantage over many other types, and by levelling up and TM acquisition, it can acquire an extensive repertoire of potent moves. Due to its movepool and general numbers, Dragonite is a very strong opponent in Kanto bouts.

Dragonite is a true beast when it comes to competitive gameplay thanks to its several incredible abilities and techniques in addition to its pure numbers.Its primary ability, Inner Focus, keeps the Pokemon from faltering in any way. Although I believe it to be a specialised skill, it is nonetheless valuable. But Multiscale, the Hidden Ability, is the real MVP. At full health, it reduces the damage caused by moves by half. Because of this, Dragonite can set up more skillfully and die less frequently when using Dragon Dance or the item Weakness Policy.Nice coverage possibilities are also available with the greatly overpowering ExtremeSpeed and Earthquake.Regarding the fictitious Flying Type, Dragonite has an incredible basic stat total of 600.

Without training, its strong attack and SP attack stats are already very remarkable, providing it the ability to match legendary pokemon and destroy inferior opponents. Despite having access to formidable abilities like Draco Meteor and Dragon Claw, Dragonite's cartoonish appearance belies its formidable fighting prowess. as the Kanto region's most powerful Dragon and flying type.Trainers fighting Dragonite should never discount it, based on base stats. Keeping an ice type on hand is extremely recommended for dealing with thundering dragons.

2. Arcanine - 

Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Kanto Region( excluding Legendaries)


With 555 base stats, Arcanine has the highest total of any non-legendary Fire-type in Kanto. It is a formidable offensive threat because to its emphasis on Attack, Special Attack, and Speed.It can easily sweep almost any regular Pokemon thanks to its incredible stats and wide range of physical moves, which include Body Slam, Bite, Dig (which covers against Rock types), Hyper Beam, Rage (which is good when used consecutively), Double-Edge (which is good when paired with potions or healing moves), Take Down (see previous note), Swift, and Skull Bash (which is good for defence buffs as well).  Furthermore, Agility raises his already potent Speed stat even further! Rest can help restore HP that was lost due to Double-Edge, and it can work wonders when combined with an awakening.

When facing off against statusers such as Venusaur and Vileplume, Double Team can also be useful as it makes it more difficult to land status attacks with low precision, such Sleep Powder and Poison Powder. Remember though, that it can easily countered without requiring the use of different Pokemon.Ultimately, of all the non-legendary fire types in Kanto, Arcanine has the highest peaking base stat total—555—among them all. It prioritises speed, attack, and specialisation with the goal of moving first and eliminating opponents as quickly as possible. Arcanine's hard-hitting attacks, such as flare blitz and overheat, which were acquired after generation I, can definitely achieve their objective.Regretfully, Arcanine does not possess a Mega Evolution form or any other form that could augment its abilities.

 Arcanine is dependent on its own power and lack of metamorphosis, with the exception of its counterpart, Hisui, who is of the Fire/Rock type.Whatever the case, this fiery pokemon performs admirably when compared to its generation I counterparts.

3. Gyarados - 

Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Kanto Region( excluding Legendaries)


With a basic stat total of 540 and remarkable Attack and Special Attack, this Water/Flying monster is quite formidable. It is a strong candidate because it can perform catastrophic moves like Hydro Pump and Earthquake.
One of Kanto's strongest Pokemon, Gyarados was the only one able to withstand Dragonite. This powerful creature is capable of using hydropump and hurricane thunder flamethrower. Gyrados has the strongest water type in Kanto, if that's what Pokemon hunters are searching for.

Gyrados, the evolution of the nearly worthless Magikarp, has the greatest base stat total of any of its species among its contemporaries at 540.It is also somewhat flying, which is useful in other situations but bad when dealing with electric types. Gyrados is very good at physical attacks while its base stats are visible in the attack section. while it Mega Evolves, it can become a terrifying weapon. This not only greatly increases the damage that it is capable of dealing, but it also turns Gyrados' Flying type into Dark type.

4. Snorlax - 

Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Kanto Region( excluding Legendaries)


The original immovable item from the Pokemon franchise, Snorlax is as durable as they come in the Kanto area. With a high base stat of 160 HP and a total base stat of 540, Snorlax is a gifted character that can take a lot of Damage before it's down for the count.

 But with a base attack stat of 110, this drowsy normal type can also deal a lot of damage. Fighting type attacks are Snorlax's lone elemental weakness as a Normal type. It is therefore challenging to counteract. With its formidable Gigantamax form and capacity to pick up new move types, Snorlax can be an unwavering mainstay in a trainer's Pokemon team.

Snorlax is a very large and strong Pokemon because to its enormous HP, strong Special Defence, and high Attack. Its position is further cemented by its ability to increase its Attack with the Belly Drum. Though significantly slower, it possessed amazing physical attack and defence capabilities.

Once more, because special was just one stat (a recurring theme), it could both use and abuse special moves.Matchup-wise, Snorlax has no advantages, yet no type—aside from Ghost and Rock—can withstand his "sweet charm." His assault is enormous, his defences are not too awful, and he has enormous HP. Matches of the neutral type are readily swung in Snorlax's favour. Using him against Sabrina's physically frail Psychic kinds is the best use of him. He practically pushes through her group. He will always serve you well in battle as long as you don't use him against Bruno or Agatha or in the fighting dojo. He can perform to his full potential with two strong move sets.

5. Charizard - 

Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Kanto Region( excluding Legendaries)


Charizard is one of the most recognisable and potent Fire-type Pokemon from Kanto, with a base stat total of 534. It is a strong opponent due to its Fire/Flying typing and availability of strong techniques like Flare Blitz and Blast Burn. Although Charizard isn't the greatest fire type in Kanto in terms of sheer power—it only falls short against a Legendary Pokemon—it still has an excellent look, which is praiseworthy in and of itself. Later in the series, Charizard also acquired access to some really good attacks.It should come as no surprise that Charizard's immense popularity has persisted to this day when you consider that it has access to two Mega evolution forms (one of which grants a fitting dragon typing) and a lethal Gigantamax form.

In addition to being one of the strongest Pokémon in the Kanto area, Charizard is arguably the most well-known fully evolved starter in the entire series. Charizard is one of the most stylish Fire-type Pokémon in the series, even after eight generations. 

This beast can move quicker than many fighters and destroy them with ease thanks to its above-average Speed and Special Attack attributes. Despite being extremely vulnerable to Rock-type attacks because to its Fire/Flying dual-typing, Charizard prevails in many other matchups. Its tremendous strength is one of the many reasons it is a fan favourite. The creature is a fantastic choice for those looking for a dependable Pokémon to add to their team because it can defeat a variety of opponents with ease.

6. Blastoise - 


Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Kanto Region( excluding Legendaries)


Blastoise, Kanto's Water-type starter, has a starting stat total of 530. It is a dependable and potent option because to its high defensive stats and availability of potent Water-type attacks like Ice Beam and Hydro Pump.Blastoise is only marginally weaker than Lapras and Gyrados compared to other water-types in Kanto, with a base stat of 530 points. Blastoise's speed isn't the best, but it more than makes up for it with an incredible Defense/Sp ceiling.Attacks like ice beam and hydro pump allow defence stats to deliver some serious damage as well.Blastoise's tremendous defences and offensive armament have been heightened by obtaining forms like as Mega Evolution in Generation VI and Gigantamax in Generation VII. Availability of attacks such as Muddy, Dragon Pulse, and Hydro Cannon has only helped Blastoise become a strong choice in the subsequent Pokemon Generations.

Blastoise, the only fully evolved starter from Kanto with a single type, is different from its counterparts in that regard. Blastoise only has two vulnerabilities because to its pure water typing, but it also loses out on the Same Type Attack Bonus when it types more than one type.
The Pokémon's offensive potential is so curtailed, but its defensive potential is also increased. Furthermore, Blastoise's stat distribution is rather even, with a greater focus on its Defence and Special Defence. This confirms that the creature is among the top Pokémon to utilise in situations where a player's approach leans more towards defence than offence.

7. Machamp - 

Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Kanto Region( excluding Legendaries)


Machamp is one of the greatest Fighting-type Pokemon, and it can outclass a lot of opponents with to its strong Attack stat and availability of moves like Cross Chop and Dynamic Punch.

For good cause, Marchamp is still regarded as one of the best Fighting-types in the entire series. With its high Attack stat, it can make devastating use of most Fighting-type attacks. It benefits immensely from learning all physical attacks as it advances in level.

Additionally, Machamp has the ability No Guard, which, under certain conditions, makes all moves made by or against Machamp absolutely precise. Machamp becomes more open to assaults as a result, but it also frees it to execute amazing moves like Cross Chop and Dynamic Punch without worrying about missing.

8. Lapras -

Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Kanto Region( excluding Legendaries)


This Water/Ice-type has a fair offensive potential, excellent HP, and a well-rounded stat distribution. It is a strong and adaptable option due to its capacity to learn powerful Water and Ice attacks. With a base total of 535, Lapras is the only water-type and ice-type that can defeat it in the Numbers Game.Lapras is gifted from the start with excellent attack and sp. attack numbers along with a high basic HP and SP. Def Stat. It genuinely just falters in terms of defence and speed. Thankfully, Lapras can become very tanky with the correct EV training, and it can perform a number of strong manoeuvres including ice beam, blizzard, and liquidation. Although Lapras isn't going to be mistaken for an attacking powerhouse, it has the resilience to shrug off attacks to make up for it's relative lack of Quickness. It's gigantamax form is also a huge help to that end.

Lapras is a Water/Ice-type that is superior to the others in Kanto. There are reasons why Lapras is frequently recognised above these other Pokémon, despite the fact that they are undoubtedly underappreciated. It is large and capable of dealing a lot of damage because of its remarkable HP stat and generally even and high stat distribution. Even though it doesn't have much speed, Lapras doesn't require it. It is rarely defeated in a single blow, and because it has access to powerful Ice and Water strikes, it is capable of fierce counterattacks.  

9. Venusaur - 

Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Kanto Region( excluding Legendaries)


The Grass/Poison-type starter of Kanto, Venusaur has a base stat total of 525. Its access to powerful moves like Earthquake and Sludge Bomb, combined with its solid defensive stats, make it a formidable choice.

The first Pokémon in the Pokédex, Bulbasaur, evolves into the powerful Venusaur. As the best Grass/Poison-type in a region with many, Venusaur is incredibly strong. Bulbasaur is even considered by some to be the best starter Pokémon in Generation I, largely due to its final evolution.

This Pokémon has a fairly even stat distribution, with slightly higher Special stats. This makes it a consistent competitor, able to take attacks of either category and strike back with great force. An extremely strong Kanto Pokémon, Venusaur earns its place as one of the most recognizable Grass-types in the series. 

Mega Venusaur gains access to the ability Thick Fat, reducing super effective fire and Ice-type moves, both of which would cripple regular Venusaur. All stats across the board are raised upon its mega evolution, aside from HP and speed. Gifting Venusaur this option provides another layer of bulk and power, both necessary for sweeping the opposing team. Gigantamax Venusuar has a unique G-Max move called G-Max Vine Lash, causing additional damage for four turns after usage, dwindling the opponent's health while still maintaining Gigantamax form.

10. Exeggutor - 

Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Kanto Region( excluding Legendaries)


This Grass/Psychic-type has a base stat total of 530, with impressive Special Attack and Special Defense. Its ability to learn devastating attacks like Explosion and Leaf Storm make it a potent threat.

Exeggutor is one of the more surprising when it comes to powerful Kanto Pokémon. Its dual-typing of Grass/Psychic, while unique, leaves it vulnerable to a variety of types. This can be limiting, but Exeggutor can shine when they are involved in proper matchups that emphasize their strengths as a character.

Although it is not incredibly fast, it can take neutral damage and last long enough to unleash powerful Special moves. If opponents can defend against Special damage well, Exeggutor also has a fairly high Attack stat. Overall, Exeggutor is a great combatant and is very capable of holding its own in neutral battles.

 This was for the article about Top 10 Strongest Pokemon in the Kanto Region( excluding Legendaries).

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