Is Ash Ketchum Leaving the Pokemon anime? Is Ash leaving pokemon 2022!! Is Ash leaving pokemon 2023!! Ash leaving pokemon.

 Pokemon Master Journeys Anime is currently running as the anime has hit 100+ episodes the question comes in that is this the last time we see Ash Ketchum in the Pokemon anime?

There are signs that indicating Ash leaving the anime.There are also reasons for Ash for stay in the anime.

At the end of the year 2022.One of this will definitely happen.Let's talk about the reasons of Ash Ketchum leaving the anime?

Also read:Few reasons why Goh from Pokemon Journeys is being hated!!!

Is Ash Leaving Pokemon anime? 

If there are going to do it. It is going to be one of the hardest thing for the pokemon company to do.

The Pair of Ash and Pikachu entertained millions of fans around the world for 25 long years.Yes, it's true they messed up when it came to ageing Ash.A lot of long term animes like Naruto,One piece, Dragon ball did a wonderful job in ageing their main characters and turned them into badass grown ups.

Many fans wanted this for Ash too.But the pokemon Anime kept Ash a 10 year old boy for 25 years which doesn't make any sense.

If Pokemon Company removes Ash for a certain period to bring back a more mature Ash Ketchum.Then it's acceptable.Otherwise the anime will be in huge trouble.

Will Goh take the main spot in place of Ash:


Well, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet coming in late 2022, Which means Pokemon Master Journeys is finishing in 2022.Besides, the pokemon anime gave Goh a bigger role and more importance than any other companion ash ever had.In some cases, Goh did really well but in some he was really horrible.

Giving Goh the main spot is the recipe for disaster. I mean he's good as a character and many would love to see him in the next series but not replacing Ash.

People love Ash Ketchum's Journey and his battles.The Pokemon Company needs him in the next series.

What are your thoughts on it?

 let me know in the comments.

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