An anime based on Saka Mikami's manga series Fragrant Flower Blooms with Dignity (Kaoru Hana wa Rin to Saku) is scheduled to debut in 2025. The series is being animated by Studio CloverWorks, and a teaser trailer showcasing Kaoruko Waguri and Rintaro Tsumugi, the two main characters, was also published. The voice actors and other employees have not yet been disclosed.
The manga series The Fragrant Flower Blooms with Dignity (Kaoru Hana wa Rin to Saku) was created by Saka Mikami. In October 2021, it started to serialise on Kodansha's Magazine Pocket manga website and app. There are already 13 volumes in print, and the 14th volume is scheduled for release on October 9 of this year.
The manga is being published in print by Kodansha, and there are presently two volumes available. The first volume is described as follows:
Chidori High is a boys’ school that takes in the dregs of society
with the lowest grades. Next door stands Kikyo Girls’ High, where the
wealthy, high-class families send their precious daughters. Chidori
second-year Rintaro, who has a fierce face but a gentle heart, is
helping at his family’s patisserie when he meets a girl named Kaoruko.
The two hit it off right away…but this blissful peace is quickly
disturbed when Rintaro discovers that Kaoruko is actually a student at
Kikyo. Worse, she doesn’t seem to realize what a huge problem this
really is! Will these two be able to forge a path for themselves, and
sidestep the traps (metaphorical and literal) laid by their classmates?
In addition, Mikami unveiled a commemorative artwork commemorating the launch of the anime: