Pokemon Journeys gives fan a huge surprise as Dawn Returns!!! Pokemon Journeys Dawn!!

 One of the most anticipated character returns in Pokemon Journeys.Yes, you heard it right.Dawn is Back!!!And she is set to return in the month of July!!!

Those Who are a long time Pokemon Fan already knows about Dawn.

Here is some info about Dawn for those who don't know:

Dawn (Japanese: ヒカリ Hikari) is a ten-year-old Pokemon Coordinator from Twinleaf town and a former travelling companion of Ash and Brock. Her goal is to become a great Top Coordinator like her mother ,Johanna.Dawn grew up inspired by her mother's achievements and from a very young age decided that she wanted to be a Coordinator. Her first Pokemon was a Piplup that she received from Professor Rowan in the First episode of  Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. 

Dawn is notable for her confidence since she almost always tries to look towards the future rather than dwell on her mistakes. In the Japanese version, Dawn's catchphrase is "Daijōbu!", which can be translated as "It's fine!" or "Don't worry!". Although not consistently translated in the English dub at first, she began to regularly use "No need to worry!".Which we are going to see her use in Pokemon Journeys.

The reason why this was a surprise because we get a hint on a character returning before a month or two.But that's not the case for dawn.It was revealed that she is returning in Pokemon Journeys in the preview of the upcoming Darkrai and Cresselia arc.

About the Darkrai and Cresselia arc preview: It happen that Chloe is on a vacation and exploring Sinnoh region with her partner Evee.And she happens meet Dawn on the process.They found a wounded Cresselia.It is because team rocket was trying to hunt it down and injured it on the process.Ash and Goh were doing their own investigation and found Darkrai.Then a battle took place Between Team rocket and Ash,Goh,Chloe,Dawn in order to protect cresselia.Darkrai also came in to help.

This is going to be a fun and exciting arc with so much hype in it.

Now with Dawn returning, we have 3 past characters returned in the last 10 episodes.

Not only that in the recent interview, Pokemon Journeys staff mentioned that they plan to bring all the past companions in Pokemon Journeys. Cause Pokemon Journeys has a stage that makes it possible to do so which was not the case in the previous series!!!

They have done a good job in her art style and character design in Journeys!!!

Can't wait to hear her catchphrase daijobu or No need to worry!!!

What are your thoughts on Dawn returning?

Which character you want to return next?

Let me know in the comments!!!

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