Exciting times to come for Pokemon Journeys as Project Mew starts!!!

After a successful return of characters like Gary and Iris and some decent episodes along the way.

Pokemon Journeys are now focusing on Project Mew!!!

Now the first question comes to mind what is exactly Project Mew?

(Japanese: プロジェクト・ミュウ Project Mew) is a research project in the anime, which recruits Trainers from around the world, aiming to find Mew. It is led by Professor Hodaka and was first introduced in JN068.


Mew (Japanese: ミュウ Mew) is a Psychic-type Mythical Pokémon introduced in Generation 1.

It is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon.

Mew is notable for its unique ability to learn every Technical Machine,Technical Record, Hidden Machine, and Move Tutor (except those exclusive to a particular Pokémon or group of Pokémon, such as Draco Meteor and Secret Sword).

It is a member of the Mew duo along with Mewtwo. 


(Japanese: ホダカ博士 Dr. Hodaka) is a recurring character in Pokemon Journeys: The Series. He is in charge of Project Mew. 

Professor Hodaka first appeared in JN071, when he greeted Ash and Goh as they arrived at his craft. After filling them in on what Project Mew was about, Professor Hodaka assigned them the task of capturing an Alolan Ninetales that could be found on Mount Coronet. Professor Hodaka reappeared once Goh has completed his mission and promised to return it to its home. 

This is first time Characters like Asahi and Tsurugi appeared in Pokemon Journeys!!!

Fun Fact: Tsurugi shares the same voice actor as Levi from the Popular anime Attack on Titan

In the Start of the episode, Ash and Goh head to know more about Project Mew and they meet up with Gary in the Process. Gary roasting Goh again was such a joy to watch!!!

Goh heard from Asahi that he has to pass the trial missions before he can becomes a official member for Project Mew.His first mission is to catch a Alolan Ninetales and bring it back to it's home.It was tough but Goh with the help of Ash managed to pull it of.


This was the first time Urshifu appeared in the anime.


Urshifu (Japanese: ウーラオス Wulaosu) is a Fighting type Legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation VIII.

It evolves from Kubfu when shown the scroll in one of the Towers of Two Fists.

It has one of two different secondary types: Dark or Water. Its secondary type is permanent and is determined by the Tower in which Kubfu is trained: the Tower of Darkness or Tower of Waters, respectively.

  • In its Single Strike Style, it is Fighting/Dark-type.
  • In its Rapid Strike Style, it is Fighting/Water-type.

Urshifu has two Gigantamax forms, one for each Style.

Urshifu is the game mascot of The Isle of Armor, appearing on the boxarts of the Pokémon Sword and Sheild Expansion Pass.

More exciting missions to come in the Future episodes of Pokemon Journeys.

What are your thoughts on the Episode?

Let me know in the Comments!!!

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