Dawn's Return in Pokemon Journeys is becoming ever so strong!!!

 Dawn (Japanese: ヒカリ Hikari) is a ten-year-old Pokémon Coordinator from Twinleaf Town and a former traveling companion of Ash and Brock. Her goal is to become a great Top Coordinator like her mother, Johanna.


Dawn(Hikari) is highly popular when it comes to pokegirls.In the recent turn of events Japan had a vote for the ranking of popular pokegirl.And she came out second out 10 pokegirls lost to Serena by minor margin.

That's just shows how popular and fan favorite she is!!

Dawn was the female protagonist who dreams to be Pokemon coordinator just like her mother.Then she traveled with Ash and Brock in the Sinnoh region.

Through that journey she became a stronger trainer and more in sink with her pokemon.

She also made an appearance in Pokemon Black and White.

There are reasons and facts that show Dawn might appear in Pokemon Journeys!!

And they are:

1.Pokemon Journeys continuity!!

Pokemon Journeys is a series where Ash and Goh are travelling around all regions they aren't only focusing on Galar.

On the they are bringing back  past characters and rivals:

Like korrina in episode 25!!!

Alola gang in episode 37!!


Chuck in episode 39!!!

Iris in episode 65 & Gary in episode 68!!!

The way Journeys has been going, Dawn has a high chance of making a return!!!

2.Pokemon Diamond and Pearl remakes 2021!!!

This is the news which was announced at the end of 2020.That they are going to remake diamond and pearl in later 2021.

 It shows that Pokemon Journeys is going to have a lot of  sinnoh elements.

One can tell just by Episode 68 of Pokemon Journeys.

Gary with his Electivire,

Infarnape returning!!!

they are all related to sinnoh!!! 

Let's just hope Dawn returns in the anime in later 2021!!

what do you think of Dawn returning in the anime?

Let me know in the comments!!!

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