Mushoku Tensei manga is ready to unite Rudeus and Sylphy in chapter 73!!!

 Mushoku Tensei an anime which was involved in a lot of controversy when it aired.

But Stands strong by acing all the character rankings and anime rankings.

Some info for the anime fans around the world:

Mushoku Tensei has aired 11 episodes of season 1 so far.

The First season of the anime will a total of 23 episodes.

The rest of the 12 episodes were supposed to come in July but in the recent update it the anime decided to release the episodes in October instead of July.

 The production has also given hints of Season 2 & 3 in works.

The creator of the Mushoku Tensei Anime wished to make the Anime long like SAO and Black Cover!!

These were the info's for the Mushoku Tensei anime for the time being!!

Now for the Manga chapter 73 of Mushoku Tensei!!!

Currently the Mushoku Tensei manga has released 72 manga chapters.

Fans are eagerly waiting for chapter 73.

For those who are following the anime know that Rudeus,Eris and Ruijerd are traveling together in order to get back home.

But in the manga there is a hole lot to it.

Eris and Rudeus weren't the only ones that suffered in the mana calamity.

But their families suffered a lot as Rudeus's family got separated from each other.

On the other hand, Eris's family died in accident.

While traveling Rudeus meets up with his father gets to know about the situation.

And decides to go and find his family and rescue them.

And he managed to that as well.

As soon as Rudeus and Eris reached their destination, Ruijerd parted ways with them.

Soon later Eris and Rudeus goes to different directions as Eris goes to train herself as a better warrior.

Rudeus goes to Ranoa university as he got a Scholarship for his magic skills.

There he meet his lost friend Sylphy!!

Rudeus couldn't recognize Sylphy as her hair color changed and she has disguised as a boy named Fitt.

But they get along pretty well.

In cases, Rudeus started to fall in love with Sylphy but didn't know whether she was a boy or a girl.

Later, in chapter 71,

Rudues found out that fitt is actually a girl.It was a accidental way to find out. But found out anyway!!!

But Fitt(Sylphy) wanted to protect Princess Arial from all kinds of dangers.And that's why she hasn't revealed herself to Rudues.

But in chapter 72 Princess Arial tells Sylphy to be her actual self and face Rudues.

So, manga chapter 73 might be the chapter were Sylphy reveals her identity to Rudeus!!!

What do You think?

And what are your thoughts on it?

Let me know in the comments!!!

Dawn's Return in Pokemon Journeys is becoming ever so strong!!!

 Dawn (Japanese: ヒカリ Hikari) is a ten-year-old Pokémon Coordinator from Twinleaf Town and a former traveling companion of Ash and Brock. Her goal is to become a great Top Coordinator like her mother, Johanna.


Dawn(Hikari) is highly popular when it comes to pokegirls.In the recent turn of events Japan had a vote for the ranking of popular pokegirl.And she came out second out 10 pokegirls lost to Serena by minor margin.

That's just shows how popular and fan favorite she is!!

Dawn was the female protagonist who dreams to be Pokemon coordinator just like her mother.Then she traveled with Ash and Brock in the Sinnoh region.

Through that journey she became a stronger trainer and more in sink with her pokemon.

She also made an appearance in Pokemon Black and White.

There are reasons and facts that show Dawn might appear in Pokemon Journeys!!

And they are:

1.Pokemon Journeys continuity!!

Pokemon Journeys is a series where Ash and Goh are travelling around all regions they aren't only focusing on Galar.

On the they are bringing back  past characters and rivals:

Like korrina in episode 25!!!

Alola gang in episode 37!!


Chuck in episode 39!!!

Iris in episode 65 & Gary in episode 68!!!

The way Journeys has been going, Dawn has a high chance of making a return!!!

2.Pokemon Diamond and Pearl remakes 2021!!!

This is the news which was announced at the end of 2020.That they are going to remake diamond and pearl in later 2021.

 It shows that Pokemon Journeys is going to have a lot of  sinnoh elements.

One can tell just by Episode 68 of Pokemon Journeys.

Gary with his Electivire,

Infarnape returning!!!

they are all related to sinnoh!!! 

Let's just hope Dawn returns in the anime in later 2021!!

what do you think of Dawn returning in the anime?

Let me know in the comments!!!

Goh Realeases his Pokemon? Pokemon Journeys episode 66 Review!!!

 Whether you love or hate the Pokemon Journeys character Goh!!!

Episode 66 of Pokemon Journeys is sure to make you emotional

Now the episode started with Ash and Goh watering the plants.And the pokemon in the cerise laboratory were enjoying a peaceful life.Suddenly Goh saw his flabebe's the one's he caught in kalos were having a race.After the race they soon evolved into floette.But Goh realized that only 4 of his flabebe's evolved and the white flabebe was missing!!!

After looking for it, Goh got to know that the flower of the white flabebe was damaged so Ash and Goh decided to head to kalos to get a new flower!!!

But it was difficult as white flabebe's are rare to catch so is their flowers.But Ash and Goh kept on looking for it.Finally, they got contacted with the researcher who researches on plants!!!

At last they got flabebe the flower they wanted!!!

After getting the flower flabebe wanted to use Grassy terain on the spot after being inspired by florges in the flower garden.Also wanted to use this move on the process of growing more flowers as they are not much flowers left for other flabebe's.

On the process Flabebe evolved into Floette!!!

After evolving it finally learned grassy terain!!!

But it wanted to stay there knowing that it wanted to protect the flowers for the other flabebe's.

Knowing that Goh respected floette's decision and released it promising that they will come to visit again!!!

All in all it was a good episode for Goh's character development .It show how far he has come as a Pokemon Trainer!!!

It will remind Ash-Butterfree situation to many!!!

What do you think of the Episode?

Let me know in the comments!!!

Pokemon Journeys Hint to bring back more Past Rival & characters!!! Who are they?

 Pokemon Journeys is one of most interesting series made by the Pokemon Franchise.

Each time Pokemon Journeys is trying to bring something new.And the best part is they hardly fail in those cases.

This time around Pokemon Journeys has decided to hint some of his rivals for Ultra class in PWC tournament!!!

This hint was given in the end of episode 65 of Pokemon Journeys!!!

Talking about episode 65,

It was a episode where Iris returned in Pokemon Journeys and Ash-Iris had 2v2 fierce dragon type Pokemon Battle.

It was close battle as Iris is now Unova's strongest trainer and she was battling more insink with her Pokemon!!!

But Ash's Dragonite learned Draco Meteor to defeat Iris!!!

Now talking about the hint!!!

It is clear that they are all Ash Ketchum's past rivals or Gym Leaders Ash faced in the past!!

The Characters that are certain and sure from the hint are:


The person on the right of the pic is Bea and her partner Grapptloct!!!

Bea first appeared in episode 34 of Pokemon Journeys and defeated Ash brutally in a PWC Match!!

Later, Ash and Bea had a rematch in episode 39 where the match ended up in a draw!!!

Looks Like Bea is up for round 3 with Ash!!!

This time it's going a Ultra class battle!!!

The person on the right is Volkner and His Luxray!!!

Volkner is a Gym Leader appearing in Pokémon: DP Sinnoh League Victors, who is the Gym Leader of Sunyshore City in the Sinnoh region.He hands out the Beacon Badge to Trainers who defeat him. He specializes in Electric-type Pokémon.

Volkner is one tough gym leader.And the means of his returning means another wholesome battle with Ash Ketchum!!

Bea and Volkner were the most clear from hint, but the 3 in the middle are unsure because if the character design and style!!!

But here in the guesses and the possibilities:

The female after Bea is most likely one of these two:

Sabrina is the Gym Leader of the Saffron Gym. Known as "The Master of Psychic Pokémon" ("The Mistress of Psychic-type Pokémon" in Generation IV), she has had psychic powers ever since she was a child, when she accidentally bent a spoon


In this case, someone new can appear instead of Sabrina like Nessa!!!

Nessa (Japanese: ルリナ Rurina) is the Gym Leader of Hulbury's Gym, known officially as Hulbury Stadium. She specializes in Water-type Pokémon.

The person in the middle in is mostly LT.Surge!!!

Lt. Surge serves as the Gym Leader at Vermilion City's Gym. He holds the Thunder Badge for the trainers that can defeat him, and specializes in Electric type Pokémon.


The person behind Luxray is a mysterious one.he is hardest to figure out because of the Character design and art style pokemon Went through over the years!!!

But the character closest to his design is Drake!!!


Drake (Japanese: ユウジ Yūji) is the Orange Crew Supreme Gym Leader of the Orange League, and he lives on Pummelo Island. Trainers who defeat him in a Full Battle at Pummelo Stadium receive the Winner's Trophy and enter the Orange League Hall of Fame.

Who do you think is that guy?

What do you think of this hint?

Let me know in the comments!!!


What if My Hero Academia Class 1-A Students had Pokemon as Partners!!!

Pokémon is a series of video games developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo and The Pokémon Company under the Pokémon media franchise

Pokémon (Japanese: ポケモン, Hepburn: Pokémon), abbreviated from the Japanese title of Pocket Monsters (ポケットモンスター, Poketto Monsutā) and currently advertised in English as Pokémon the Series (ポケモン・ザ・シリーズ, Pokémon za Shirīzu), is an anime television series, part of The Pokémon Company's Pokémon media franchise, which has running for over 24 years now with 1150+ episodes.

On the Other Hand,

 My Hero Academia is a Japanese superhero manga series written and illustrated by Kōhei Horikoshi. The story follows Izuku Midoriya, a boy born without superpowers in a world where they have become commonplace, but who still dreams of becoming a superhero himself.

 Both the animes Quite successful in their own ways!!!

What would have happened if The My Hero Academia Students had Pokemon as their partners?

Let's talk about My Hero Academia class 1-A and their possible Pokemon Partner!!

20.Minoru Mineta!!! 

Mineta's quirk is Pop-off.And has a pervy personality.

Based on this a Lickilicki can be the perfect partner for someone like Mineta!!!

19.Toru Hagakure!!!

Her quirk is visibility.Based on that Inteleon can be her perfect partner Pokemon!!!

They can work together well!!!

18.Koji Koda!!!

His quirk allows him to communicate with animals and make them do things for him!!!

That's all.In this case a wise Pokemon like Shiftry can be the suitable for him!!

17.Yuga Aoyama!!!

His quirk is Navel Laser.And his pokemon partner is Metang:

16.Kyoka Jiro!!

Her quirk allows her to hear what is around her, but it also has opportunities for defensive movements as well.

Her perfect Pokemon partner is Exploud:

15.Rikido Sato!!!

His quirk allows him to be incredibly strong as long as he ingests enough sugar!!!

So his partner is Machoke:

14.Denki Kaminari!!!

His quirk allows him to make electricity and his partner is Raichu:


13.Hanta Sero!!!

 His quirk is tape.He would need someone that can keep up the pace with him and that pokemon is Tangrowth!!!

12.Mina Ashido!!!

Her quirk is Acid.Her fitting partner will be Toxitricity!!!

11.Mashirao Ojiro!!

Ojiro's quirk is one of the most obvious in the bunch: he has a long tale that he can use almost like a monkey.

Speaking of Monkey, His partner is ambipom:

10.Ochaco Uraraka!!! 

Her quirk is gravity and her partner is Clefable:

9.Eijiro Kirishima!!!

his quirk is harden.The pokemon that fits him is Midnight form Lycanroc:

8.Fumukage Tokoyami!!!

His quirk is dark shadow!!!.

Someone who likes darkness.It means only one Pokemon.That is Darkrai:

7.Momo Yaoyorozu!!!

Her quirk is creation.And she has a elegant personality based on a Gardevoir suits best for her:

6.Mejo Shoji!!!

Shoji's quirk may not be the flashiest, but he's already acting in ways one would hope and expect from a hero. His quirk allows him to change the endings on his appendages and see, hear, speak, or have extra hands.

His partner is going to be Grapploct:

5.Tsuyu Asui!!!

Her quirk gives her many attributes of a frog: a long (and very strong) tongue, fast swimming, and stomach acid.

Her partner pokemon is Politoad:

4.Tenya Iida!!!

His quirk is Engine.A pokemon that can match his speed is Cinderance.

3.Shoto Todoroki!!!

His quirk is Half cold Half hot!!!

His partners are going to be Kantonian and Alolan Vulpix:

2.Katsuki Bakugo!!!

His quirk is Explosion!!!

A pokemon similar to his personality is Volcanion:

1.Izuku Midoriya!!!

His quirk is One for all!!

He's a clever personel.And the pokemon that suits him is Sceptile!!

It's quick, Powerful and can mega evolve!!!

These were My hero Academia class 1-A students and their possible partner pokemons!!

What do you think about it?

Let me know in the comments!!!

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