Pokemon Journeys Anime's Unpredictability is Amazing!!! But is something lacking?

 Pokemon Journeys can truly be one of the best series of the Pokemon Anime.

For the concept and the story of the anime everything can well and truly be perfect series for Pokemon.

But like every other thing, Pokemon Journeys is still lacking some topics that they need to correct to get the perfect score.

Let's begin with facts!! 

Ash Ketchum's new goal: 

Ash Ketchum is the protagonist who has been traveling to various regions over the last 24 years with his Pikachu.Catching a lot different pokemons, traveling with a lot different people aiming for one dream and that is to becoming a Pokemon Master.

 Every series Ash got better and better as a Pokemon Trainer.At first, he was someone who didn't know anything about battles and type advantages.But he kept entering leagues one after another and had good performances but couldn't win a league.Until he won the A
lola league in the sun & moon series.

After winning the Alola League his next goal is to take on Leon, the world's current strongest Pokemon Trainer.And for that he needs to go through the PWC tournament where strong trainers around world are participating.
Currently, Ash Ketchum's ranking is 184 in the PWC Tournament.Everything is going well but the only problem Pokemon Journeys have is that most of the PWC battles Of Ash ketchum  is off-screen!!
Trying to give screen time and character development to Goh might be one of those reasons!!!

Hopefully, Pokemon Journeys will correct the problems and make it a better series for Ash Ketchum!!!

What do you guys think about Ash Ketchum in Pokemon Journeys?

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